Quick Start


  • Python 3.x (3.9+ is recommended)


In order to create and build PyFyre projects, you need to install the PyFyre CLI. To install the PyFyre CLI, open a terminal window (cmd on Windows) and run the following command:

pip install pyfyre

To verify if your installation is successful, run the following command:

pyfyre help

Creating a PyFyre Project

To create a new PyFyre project, run the following command:

pyfyre create my-cool-app

You can replace my-cool-app with the name of the project you desire.

Running a PyFyre Application

  1. Navigate to your project directory (my-cool-app in our case) by running the following command:

cd my-cool-app
  1. Finally, run your app:

pyfyre run

And voila! You now have a running PyFyre app on your local machine. You can visit your app on your browser at http://localhost:5500.

The source code of the app is inside the src/index.py file. You may start making changes there and see it reflect on your browser.

The run command starts a development server with live reload that detects changes in the code and reloads the application automatically. To stop the server, press Ctrl+C on your terminal or cmd.


Once you have run the app, PyFyre will generate a folder called _pyfyre. The folder contains all the files the running server needs. You can safely delete it after the server has been stopped.